|| dim ||


001.  dim (adj) (of a light, colour, or illuminated object) not shining brightly or clearly

    ||    the dim glow of the fire 

002.  dim (adj) not clearly recalled or formulated in the mind

     || dim memories

003.  dim (vb) make or become less distinct or bright

    ||   "a smoky inferno that dimmed the sun"

004.  dim -- dimmer -- dimmest (adj)  not bright; obscure from lack of light or emitted light

    || a dim room | a dim flashlight 

005.  dim (adj) not seen clearly or in detail; indistinct

    || a dim object in the distance

006.  dim (adj) not clear to the mind; vague

    || a dim idea

007.  dim (adj) not brilliant; dull in luster

    || a dim color / colour

008.  dim (adj) not clear or distinct to the senses; faint

    || a dim sound

009.  dim (adj) not seeing clearly 

    || eyes dim with tears

010.  dim (adj) tending to be unfavorable; not likely to happen, succeed, be favorable, etc

    ||  a dim chance of winning

011.  dim (vb) to make dim or dimmer 

011.  dim (vt -- with obj) to switch (the headlights of a vehicle) from the high to the low beam


012.  dim (vi -- without obj) to become or grow dim or dimmer


013.  idiomatic -- dim (adj) to take a dim view of | to regard with disapproval, skepticism, or dismay

    || Her mother takes a dim view of her choice of friends.

014.  dim (adj) dim describes something as lacking light or having a weak bright brightness as in

    || a dim flashlight | a dim tunnel 

015.  dim (adj) dim also describes things that are unclear, because of poor visibility, a weak understanding, or a more general lack of clarity as in 

    || a dim shape in the distance | a dim noise | a dim knowledge of math

016.  dim (adj) dim also describes having weak or poor vision as in 

    || Jane's eyes were dim with tears.

017.  dim (adj) dim can be used to mean lacking mental ability or having low intelligence

    || However, this is almost always considered insulting.

018.  dim (vb) dim as a verb means to make something dim or less bright as in

    || He dimmed the lights.

019.  dim (vb) dim as a verb it can also be used to mean to grow dim or dimmer, as in 

    || The noise of the engine dimmed as the car drove out of sight.

    || Although the tunnel was dim, the faint candlelight guided the miner back to the surface.

020.  dim (adj) emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light

    || dim stars | a dim lamp | a dim hallway

021.  dim (adj) dull, lusterless

    || dim colors

022.  dim (adj) lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character

    || a dim echo of the past

023.  dim (adj) seen indistinctly

    || a dim outline

024.  dim (adj) characterized by an unfavorable, skeptical, or pessimistic attitude -- usually used in the phrase  

    || take a dim view of

    || takes a dim view of human nature

025.  dim (adj) dim-witted

    || too dim to understand the joke || wm


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